All free softwares listed in this page are covered under the
GNU General Public License
unless otherwise explicitly mentioned.

JNI Samples
(2nd November 2001)

This is a collection of sample JNI (Java Native Interace) programs.
The ideas are mostly taken from Sun Java tutorial.
Download: (sources)

(20th January 2000)

Jazzmsg is a package with a label and a dialog box class, that can be used to display
messages with icons. Icons are built in and are displayed according to the type of the
message. Currently the following categories are supported: INFORMATION, CONFIRM, HELP,
WARNING, EXCEPTION, ERROR, NONE (no category, no icon!).
It is pretty easy to add your own icon. Actually the icons are not images, rather they
are painted using text. That's why the package is so light and fast.
Facility is there to add image based icons, but for that you will have to explore the
sources a bit.
To run the bundled demo program, download unzip the file,
add the jazzmsz.jar file to your classpath and
run "java jazzmsz.jazztest".
Download: (sources and class files, with sample program)

(31st December 1999)

File splitting and joining utility. Ultra light and platform independent.
The class file is only 4.5K in size.
To split you can specify the maximum size of each chunk or the number of chunks you want.
ChopGlue will create a set of files with names like <filename>.0, <filename>.1
..., where <filename> represents the original file. It will also create a file
called chop.control which stores vital information required to glue the file back.
To recreate the file simply run chopglue with 'glue' as argument. It will look for the
chop.control file and the file chunks in the current directory and will recreate the file.
Download: (sources and class files)

(8th August 1999)

Talkative is a set of Java, COM and JavaScript libraries which together can provide
connectivity between all kinds of applications. It provides the basic messaging
infrastructure. Applications can either be written to adhere to this protocol or you
can write wrappers over existing applications to be Talkative.
Learn more and see a live implementation

Auto Adjusting JLabel
(8th May 1999)

This is an extension to JLabel which tries to fit the label string into the
available space by first reducing the font size. If it still does not fit, puts a
"..." at the end of the string and displays it.
Download: (source code and class files)

Wan Simulator
(18th April 1999)

Do you need to test your applications over a wide area network? Don't know where
to get access to a WAN? Relax, this WAN Simulator will simulate connections over
satellite network with a configurable transmission delay. Very simple but effective.
Download: (source code and class files)

Simple controls
(15th March 1999)

The bundle contains a ladder display which can be used to display data arranged
in a vertical table which looks like a ladder. It has a status indicator class which
displays a colored circle indicating the status. The status indicator has been extended
to create a round button class. The round button class is used to create a spinner
Download: (source code and class files)
Screen Shot:
Used in a stock quote applet

ClassEditor 2.23
(21st March 2004)

Tool to examine and modify Java class files.
This is a Java class file editor. Similar to the javap utility in JDK.
The advantage of this over javap is the GUI interface and facility to edit
the class file binary. You can open a class file, edit strings, attributes and in
theory anything as long as you know what you are doing. Apart from that, this is a
great tool to understand the class file structure. Unlike javap, ClassEditor does not
attempt to reconstruct the source. It shows the class file in exactly the same format
as it is in, but in a more understandable way. You can even verify your changes and
get a summary report in text format through this tool.
This piece of work is covered under GNU Lesser General Public License and is released
. Future releases will happen from Sourceforge.
Sourceforge Project Page:
Latest information and download links from ClassEditor project page

ProProxy 1.70
(31st Oct 2001)

A generic cascading proxy server.
Can be used for HTTP, Telnet... any TCP application that works
with a single socket. Handles any number of concurrent connections.
This is one of the few proxies that support both TCP and UDP. It can
be used as a UDP relay. ProProxy has a simple implementation of HTTP/1.0
protocol and can act as a HTTP proxy server to connect to the internet.
Supports HTTP compression and connection filtering. Thanks to
Tin Le
for the logging facility that can be useful for debugging applications.
generated using javadoc
Download: (sources and class files)

Photo Album Applet 1.11
(9th Oct 1999)

A photo album applet for your homepage. Very lightweight, no frills, just
does its job. Has slideshow facility and supports descriptions and tiled
background image.
generated using javadoc
Download: (sources and class files)

MultiPanel Layout Manager
(Jan 1999)

A layout manager for Java to layout multiple containers together in a grid.
This is the only layout manager that works on multiple containers.
generated using javadoc
Download: (sources and class files)


A Button Bar control written in Java. Very easy to use and extremely lightweight.
Button bar can be scrolled horizontally as well.
generated using javadoc
Download: (sources and class files with sample program)


Tool to convert line-feed characters to appropriate form.
How many times have you transferred files from a UNIX machine to Windows or vice versa
and then discovered that you did a binary transfer by mistake? Here's an utility
to make life simpler. Just run this utility against your file and bingo!
all those black boxes and ^M are gone.
generated using javadoc
Download: (sources and class files)