A library written in C++ to make writing CGI programs for the web easier.
It does the parsing, data escaping and unescaping for you. It also sends
response headers in the correct format.
The following are the components (classes) of the library:
The main class. It parses input and puts the name-value pairs into data
structures. It formats the output messages to be sent out from the CGI program.
A class to simplify storage, manipulation and retrieval of name-value pairs.
One restriction is that names or values cannot be empty strings.
A class to prepare complete HTML (or any other format) output from a template
containing tokens to be replaced and the values that are to be replaced.
Along with the CGI library a GuestBook application is also included as an example.
The GuestBook is quite versatile. You can customize the guestbook, add new fields,
change the order and name of fields, without changing a single line of code! All
you need to change is the html template.
The following classes and files make the guest book:
A class that contains routines to read and add to a data file containing the
guestbook entries.
A simple guest book for your home page. Implemented to demonstrate and test the
capabilities of the CGI library CGI++. It requires two html template files - one
partial html to format the appearance of each of the guest book entries as they
will be displayed, and the other to display the guest book page as a whole. This
application must be called with the mode (GBMODE) as a query parameter. Valid
values are "add" and "show". The show mode displays the last
10 entries in the guest book and the add mode adds a new entry to the guest book.
Platform compatibility:
The code has been compiled purified and tested on both Windows (NT) and UNIX
(Digital) platforms. Make sure UNIX is defined while compiling on UNIX platform.
cgicpp.zip (sources)